
This guy wrote a stupid post a while back regarding the television host Rove and his dead girlfriend in Oz asking why no-one mentions his dead girlfriend. He also stated that He thought she got off easy; "not tonight dear, I have cancer".
Of all the messages he recieved proclaiming him to be a prick for making statements about Rove's dead girlfriend, Dick's "short for Richard" were by far the most entertaining.
Sadly, nobody has had any correspondance from Dick for a while and we will assume he has been arrested by the net police.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 7.42pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Rove
Fuck you retard wydont you shut up! he dident ask for his gilrfriend to die so use your brain to work out how you would feel and just fucken shutup!
From: David Thorne
Date: Tuesday 6 Nov 2008 8.04pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Rove
Dear Dick,
Thankyou for your recommendation. I am currently writing a television script that I think you would be perfect for, it features a genius of superior wit and intellect who uses his uncanny abilities to protect the innocent. Aided by his loyal pet, masturbating monkey, he endeavors to right wrongs and solve crimes. At the end of each episode he will leave us with a profound, thought provoking and politically correct statement such as "don't leave your pet in the car with the windows up" or "fuck you retard wydont you shut up".
An important part of the character development as I see it, would be the developing relationship between yourself and masturbating monkey. The show will be titled 'Monkey Dick' (a combination of private dick and the pet monkey, similar to 'canine cop') and I do hope you will make yourself available for this opportunity.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 8.17pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Rove
Fuck you coksucker you should be ashamed of what you wrote that was wrong ad you know it How wud you feel if you were rove? why dont you fuck off.
From: David Thorne
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 8.42pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Rove
Dear Dick,
You're correct, my statements were uncalled for and unquantifiable in any manner. I apologise without reserve and ask for nothing but your understanding. I hope, in time, you can come to forgive me for such contemptible statements. If I could retract my statements I would but I do not have a time machine.
I wish that I did have a time machine, I would take my Macbook Pro back to 1984 and visit Steve Jobs. After selling my laptop to him for millions I would return to the present. I could do this several times as each time the present technologies would have changed. It is a flawless plan, I am sure you will agree, lacking only the availability of time/dimension manipulation technologies.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 9.02pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rove
That didnt even make any sense. why dont you stop wasting your time and get a girlfriend!
From: David Thorne
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008.06pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rove
Dear Dick,
Thankyou for the excellent suggestion. I have contacted your wife and we are now seeing eachother.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 9.17pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: fuck off
youve obviously got no firends!
From: David Thorne
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2008 9.28pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: fuck off
Dear Dick,
You got me. You are correct, I have no friends. I am lonely and sad. I am currently sitting in a cave by myself, sustaining myself on beetles, powering my laptop by an ingenious array of pulleys and flywheels constructed from small lizards and tree sap from the local flora. I came here to escape my family, friends, industry associates, acquaintances and the lady next door who was spying on me, in the hope of completing my novel titled "why are there so many dickheads messaging me?" I have made the dedication out to you Dick and will endeavor to send you a copy once it goes to print.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 10.37am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: fuck off
Your a moron muthufuka!!!!
From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 11.52am
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: fuck off
Dear Dick,
Well done, that sentence included a word containing more than three syllables - I am assuming muthafucka to be one word in your dimension. As I mentioned, I am currently writing a novel and would be honored if you would concede to being the editor. I realise that you must be in great demand, with a long list of literary achievements and I am less than worthy of your mastery in this area, but an opportunity such as this could simply not be passed by. I will attach the manuscript and look forward to your positive response.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 2.18pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: fuck off
youve got mental problems wanker and dont call me dick. your the dickhead!
From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 2.44pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: fuck off
Dear Dr Dick,
Thankyou for that in-depth psychoanalysis which is so accurate as to be uncanny. As your professional diagnosis has clearly outlined, I do indeed have mental problems. It is a degenerative disease that causes a small part of my brain to die every time I recieve a message from the kind of person that collects star trek dvds and listens to Jimmy Barnes (yes, I read your profile). Little more can be done except to write a letter to your university, in particular your psychology and psychiatry lecturers, congratulating them on producing such an amazing pool of talent.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 2.52pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: fuck off
fuck you whats wrong with Star Trek? your a wanker
From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 7 May 2008 3.19pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: fuck off
Dear Dick,
Nothing is wrong with Star Trek Dick, I enjoy science theory myself and some of the episodes were not completely embarrassing. I was tempted to write something derogatory and perhaps even draw attention to the fact that the only time in any of your emails you have used correct spelling, grammar, punctuation or capitalisation is when your wrote the name 'Star Trek', but I was fearful that your army of Klingon warriors might attack and shoot colourful laser rays at me, causing me to have to land on a planet inhabited by aliens who speak english and look exactly like humans apart from ripples on their nose while I perform plasma warp drive repairs.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 9.27am
To: David Thorne
Subject: your a wanker
You must be fat and sad and ugly!
From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.11pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: your a wanker
Thankyou Dick,
I am touched by your concern for my health, happiness and social acceptance. I actually am not fat and would usually be described as a bit too skinny. I have been contemplating reverse liposuction, a technique where they basically transfer liquified body fat from one patient to another. Having looked on your profile and seen your photo, I was hoping we could help each other out here - I figure some of the fat from just one of your cheeks could help add many kilograms to my current body weight. I realise this would leave you a tad lopsided so if we take the fat from your other cheek we could sell it to the japanese. This commercial venture would effectively pay for the initial operation and save several whales in the process. I think you will have to agree this is a socially responsible course of action.
In regards to being sad, aren't we all from time to time? As I am sitting writing this on my laptop in bed while my girlfriend watches 'Family Guy' on the 52" plasma screen in her underwear, I cant help but think how much happier I would be if she was Brooke Satchwell, was wearing latex and we were in Bora Bora so i guess happiness being relative and on a comparative scale, you are correct.
As for being ugly, I am actually extremely attractive, with god like features and the body of a Calvin Klein underwear model, due to being born with what is termed the 'drop dead gorgeous gene' but I can't help feeling life would be much easier if I was indeed ugly. Hows it working out for you?
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.21pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: your a wanker
You think you are fucking clever. I am a primary teacher and the kids in my class write better than you moron! kiss my arse.
From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.29pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
Dear Dick,
Now I am actually horrified. My son is in primary school and I had the assumption that the adults I leave him in the care of would generally have a higher level of education than his. Just out of interest, can I ask if you have ever had sex with one of your students?
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.37pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
I teach 3rd grade deadshit
From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.46pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
Dear Dick,
My question still stands.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Thursday 8 May 2008 4.58pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
Suck my cock fuckhead
From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 9 May 2008 6.03pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
Dear Dick,
I will take your offer of oral sex as a peace offering but will have to decline. While I appreciate the gesture, I am very much straight. I am flattered and even a little curious but feel it would be better if we refrained from giving in to desire at this stage of our relationship as I would not want to risk damaging our friendship - of which I have come to value very much.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Friday 9 May 2008 11.18pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
what? your an idiot im not gonna compete with an idiot anymore. burn in hell wanker not writing any more to you!
From: David Thorne
Date: Saturday 10 May 2008 1.07pm
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: your a wanker
Dear Dick,
Compete? I wouldn't attempt such a foolhardy excersise such as competing with a mental giant as yourself. I am possibly the least competitive person I know and am in fact the current national loser in the 'Who is Least Competitive Championships' where trying to win will make you lose. Trying to lose makes you win which makes you lose. Not trying at all makes you lose which makes you win which makes you lose.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Saturday 10 May 2008 4.40pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Fucken loser
Yeah your right you do lose. That was the biggest heap of shit i have eva readwhat was that even suposed to mean? dont emai me back you are an idiot.
From: David Thorne
Date: Sunday 11 May 2008 11.13am
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: I love you and want to touch your beard
Dear Dick,
I am very hurt by your comments and I am not sure quite how to take them. Are you saying it is over? Through time and a series of expensive counseling sessions, I may see my way through it. If you would be interested in perhaps attending some of these sessions together, I believe we may resolve our differences. Its the little things isn't it Dick, the little things that you found cute in the beginning of our relationship have become the catalyst for this anger. I can change Dick. I can change for you. I love you Dick.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Monday 12 May 2008 10.28am
To: David Thorne
Subject: faggot!
you are a fucken idiot!!! I dont have time to read you stupid shit. What are you even wriing to me for ? I think you are doing it just to annoy me fuckhead
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 12 May 2008 10.51am
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: faggot!
Dear Dick,
I confess. You have caught me out. Alternative motives may have included 'using dick as entertainment', 'playing with dick' or even 'lets get dick heated ' but your super sleuth detective skills have once again outwitted me and centred in on the fundamental reason. Please find attached a cheque made out to you for a copy of your book 'Detective Dick's Deduction Dictionary'. I would also like to sign up to receive your monthly newsletter and please book me in for your course 'Deducing Dick'. If I use my credit card to purchase the full two half hour lessons will I receive the Sherlock Holmes style cap and curved wooden pipe at no added cost? I have my own magnifying glass. Sometimes I use it on ants. Not to cook them, just to warm them on cold days or get a little fire going for them.
Regards, David.
From: Richard Matthews
Date: Monday 12 May 2008 11.09am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: faggot!
Stop messaging me
From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 12 May 2008 11.22am
To: Richard Matthews
Subject: Re: Re: Re: faggot!
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